• Nasruddin Yusuf Institus Agama Islam Negeri Manado
Keywords: donation, aid, islamic law


Humans on this earth have a variety of diversity, both from tribes, races, and religions.  This diversity also occurs in Manado City, especially religion in religion, which all religions exist and exist in this city.  In addition to religious diversity, in the city of Manado there are often disasters that encourage residents to help and help each other.  This paper wants to see whether donations or assistance from non-Muslims in the event of a disaster to Muslim disaster victims can be received.  This type of research is field research with qualitative models whose overall data is obtained from the results of interviews, observations, and documentation.  From the results of the study found that the Muslims of Manado city are happy to receive help from non-Muslims in all forms, money, clothing, and food.  If the aid is in the form of money and clothing, they immediately use it, but if it is raw food, they receive it and use it immediately, it is different if in the case of ready meals.  It is known that they only accept and consume foods that are known to come from Muslim cuisine or foods labeled halal.  Whereas if it is in the form of ready-to-eat food, but it is not known who made it or it is known that non-Muslims cooked it, they can still receive it but not consume it, The food they have received is not thrown away but given to other non-Muslim disaster victims.  The actions committed by Muslims are in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law in maintaining religion (hifdz al-din) and guarding themselves  (hifdz al-nafs), and avoiding useless acts (tabzir)

How to Cite
Nasruddin Yusuf. (2023). DONATIONS AND DISASTER RELIEF FROM NON-MUSLIMS IN MANADO CITY ISLAMIC LEGAL PERSPECTIVE. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 3(03), 321-337. Retrieved from